Talented robot by the name Motoman SDA10, which is produced by the company Yaskawa Electric for industrial purposes, has two hands, and they have demonstrated their ability to cook okonomiyaki in International Fair of next generation robots in Osaka. Okonomiyaki - fried cake with a mixture of various ingredients. The robot is designed to work independently and close to people, the 135-cm, 220-kg industrial robot has 15 joints - 7 in each of the hand and one in the torso. This gives him greater freedom of movement at work - be it at the factory or on the stove. You can see the video or the pictures to see how Motoman using his hands collects a one-camera, consisting of two dozen parts. This requires 2 minutes. Such dexterity is helping the robot with cooking okonomiyaki. Working in the kitchen, Motorman relies on speech recognition technology to receive verbal orders from visitors. Using standard kitchen utensils, robot beat batter, leading it to an iron grill, forming a round pancake, flip it shifts to the plate and adds spices. On the taste of this product has not yet been discussed.
Source - creep.ru